Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Home, home on the ranch.

We have officially been living out at Eagles Nest Ranch for two weeks!  A quick recap: On the tenth of November with John Rempel pulling a packed trailer for us, mom and dad in their car, and us with our two boys, cat and dog we made the full day journey out to the ranch. We ended up having some troubles getting up the hill once here, but after an adventure I think we were all tucked into bed by one in the morning.  The next day with the help of family and friends we unloaded and started to unpack in our new home. Those next few days were spent unpacking, prayer walking and exploring the new territory. We then took in a full weekend of the Pursuit conference right in the city of Medicine Hat. On Tuesday we had a small Christmas with mom, dad, Nathan, Jenae and their kids before saying a very hard goodbye to Matts parents. That Thursday eveningwe had supper with some of the board and staff from Eagles Nest Ranch. They fed us well, prayed for us, and sent us on our way with the anticipation of all the awesome stuff we know God is going to do here.  The next day one of our lovely little cabins out here burned down...not exactly what we ever thought we would have to deal with...especially in our first week of work.  Quote from my husband: "well that's one way to meet the neighbors". We know though that God is going to turn it for His glory.  This week has been more about orientation.  The people that know what's going on around here are leaving shortly for the winter, so there is lots to learn in short time. Today a snowstorm was swirling around for most of the day. I guess we will see if we can get out tomorrow.  I realize this blog is full of many facts and not much heart stuff. Most of that I am still processing...

I'm thankful for: a wonderful husband that comes along side me when I have been having a hard time in this transition.
A board that seems genuinely excited to have us here.
The visions, dreams and words that God has been speaking to us directly, and through others about the new thing He is starting out here at Eagles Nest Ranch.
The little things that He surprised me with...horses and a chicken coop!

Please pray for us: we need a team out here as soon as possible!
Vision for what the actual weeks of camp will look like.
Some sort of communication in our building. ( as of right now we have no internet, cell service, and we just found out today that the land line hook up is severed somewhere). So the best way to get a hold of us is a message on Facebook or email.
Sleep! Both boys have been wide awake for sometimes hours at a time the last few days. 

Love and blessings